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Vaillant vSMART™

Vaillant vSMART™

Heating and hot water control at your fingertips

For the latest in home heating control and saving energy.  The Vaillant vSMART™ heating is fully controllable via an app for either  Android or Apple iOS anytime, anywhere. You can even set the temperature via your Amazon Echo smart speaker.
All supplied and professionally fitted by a Vaillant validated installer; Lenzie Plumbing and Heating

  • Smart Phone app for both Android and Apple iOS
  • Self-learning smart thermostat
  • Weather compensation to reduce energy bills
  • Connect multiple vSMART™ controllers to one app
  • Wireless connection

vSMART™  You’re in control wherever you are

vSMART™ lets you control your heating and hot water anytime, anywhere from a single, easy to use app that is available for a your smartphone. Compatible with the entire range of Vaillant ecoTEC boilers, vSMART supports modulating heating and enhanced functionality such as self learning or automatic heating curve adjustment.

Tell vSMART™ how you want your heating and hot water temperature and it will take care of the rest. From the moment you get vSMART™installed, it starts to learn your homes heating needs. Using its smart weather compensation feature and utilizing weather data, the vSMART™ can tell your boiler how hard it has to work to get your home to your required temperature. As it learns what time you get up in the morning, up it will make sure you wake up to a warm and cosy home. Now that’s what we call smart!

Reduce your energy bills – the intelligent control means your boiler runs as efficiently as possible, using the minimum energy required to heat your home and reducing your fuel bills.

  • Comfort and control wherever you are – the vSMART™ app makes it easy for you to control heating and hot water anytime, anywhere. So, if you’re going to be late home, you can delay your heat coming on so you’re not heating an empty house.
  • Intelligent learning from your home – as soon as vSMART™ is installed, it starts to understand your home’s heating needs and makes your boiler work smarter to minimise energy bills.
  • Stay in control when you’re away – tell vSMART™ you’re away on holiday and it will automatically find a balance to make sure you’re protected from frost while avoiding you spending money heating an empty home.
  • Change with the season – vSMART™ monitors your local weather conditions and adjusts the boiler to provide just the right temperature in your home.

Get the vSMART unit, professional installation (and clean up afterwards), training and the guarantee all for just £299.
Call us now on 
0141 578 1871 or fill in the contact form below.

Serving Glasgow and Strathclyde

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